4 Ways to Help Your Cat Maintain an Ideal Weight

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Trouvez une nourriture adaptée aux besoins de votre animal

Trouvez une nourriture adaptée aux besoins de votre animal

Trouvez une nourriture adaptée aux besoins de votre animal

How to make sure your cat attains her ideal weight and maintains a healthy weight for life.

  1. Track your cat's weight
    Losing weight can propel your cat toward better health, but only if the weight is lost in a healthy, controlled manner. To make sure your cat is losing weight at a normal pace, make sure to weigh your cat regularly and assess your cat’s body condition score. Most veterinarians' offices have a scale available to use free of charge or you can use your own scale holding your cat and subtracting your weight.
  2. Include healthy activity
    When you feed Hill's® Science Diet®, Ideal Balance™ or Prescription Diet® cat food you know your cat will be eating healthy. However, your cat's weight management program isn't complete without a healthy amount of physical activity. Make sure your cat is getting the physical activity she needs to get and stay healthy.
  3. Visit your veterinarian often
    Make frequent visits to your veterinarian to ensure that your cat’s weight management program is going smoothly. Your veterinarian knows your cat’s ideal weight, how fast she should be losing weight and which foods are best for each stage of the weight management plan.
  4. Maintain an ideal weight for life
    Your cat's weight management plan shouldn't be temporary. Once your cat has attained her ideal weight, switch to a simple weight maintenance plan that consists of regular exercise and proper nutrition.

Your cat may gain or regain weight more easily than others. Breed, age, food selection, state of health and a variety of other factors can determine how quickly a cat gains weight, and what kind of nutrition she needs to help control it. If you think your cat might be in need of a weight management program, ask your veterinarian for advice.

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